About Gluten-Free food & Thanksgiving

    Both my husband and I are pretty healthy for our ages. Neither of us has a serious allergy. We use soy milk rather than cows milk but that is about it. We can both eat yougert and other products with milk in them. We have no problems with wheat or wheat products.  

     I have been wondering how people with allergies manage at the food bank and with food stamps. Gluten-free products are very expensive and the food bank does not get much in the way of gluten-free products.  I have found out that most people who have this problem or who have a family member with this problem make their own food. A loaf of wheat bread can cost as little a $2.00 per loaf but the lowest price for gluten-free that I found was $6.00 per loaf. That has to cut your food budget to less than one third of what a person with no allergies gets and it has to make shopping much more difficult.

   I  already find that I am spending much more time shopping. This is a surprise. I usually shop one day a week and go to Costco once a month or once every two months. I find that I am going to the grocery store two or three times a week. I can’t get enough money together at one time to get ahead. Since the food bank limits the amount of some things, I have to go several times a week in order to get enough for the week. I understand why there are limits. The food bank never knows what or how much of a single item they will have at a time and they don’t know how many people will show up in a day. I think they do a good job but it does make it difficult.

    I am starting to get ready for Thanksgiving. I have cranberries for sauce and I have a pumpkin for pie. I think I can get enough potatoes and green beans. I just have stuffing and the Turkey left to purchase. I started looking at turkeys at the store. It looks like they cost about $2:00 per pound. We may have a small turkey but lots of gravy.

   This is the end of one week and I am feeling a little more comfortable with the process. We have had good meals for the past two days. We had fish one day and pork chops the next. I am managing to have enough left over for lunches and breakfast had been the usual, although I notice that my husband is almost out of Granola, so I will have to buy some more. Thanks to the food bank we are being able to get enough vegetables and even some meat.  So far so good.


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2 responses to “About Gluten-Free food & Thanksgiving

  1. Jan

    This is truly a pioneer’s journey. Keep sharing…I’m learning a lot.

  2. Melinda Marsden

    Our nephew, Andy, is allergic to wheat, corn, all legumes, nuts and eggs. That is just the food allergies. He eats, meat, rice, potatoes, all vegetable except beans. It is hard and he has to read all labels. Bread is very expensive.

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